Simple Tips to Maintain Your Fifth Wheel RV

Although fifth wheels are dependable and long-lasting campers, they need regular maintenance and servicing to perform smoothly. Thankfully, the upkeep of these RVs isn’t too complex—with the right tools and expertise, you can easily maintain your model at home.
If you need a little direction to get started, we can help. Keep reading this guide to learn a few DIY tips to maintain your fifth wheel camper and for more information, contact Long View RV Superstores.

Consult Your Owner’s Manual

Follow your fifth wheel manufacturer’s recommendations when maintaining your model to keep up with the specific maintenance schedule that’s best for your camper. The manual will also give information about the products you should use or avoid on your model, so keep it handy always.

Check Tire Pressure & Condition

Start your fifth wheel maintenance task by examining your tires’ overall condition. Your tires help maintain traction on the road and the fuel economy of your towing vehicle. That’s why you want to keep them in tip-top shape and ready for your outing.
Make sure you adjust the air pressure in your tires to your manufacturer’s recommendation and see that they don’t have any foreign objects embedded in them. You will also want to inspect the tread to see that they have sufficient depth and that your sidewalls are free of any cracks.

Inspect Water & Power Systems

Next, you will want to ensure your fifth wheel’s water and electrical system function properly. Check your blackwater tank to see that there aren’t any leaks or blockages, and be sure that each appliance in your camper gets the power it needs.

Lubricate Slide-Outs & Hinges

Finally, you want to grease your slide-outs and hinges to make them work smoothly without getting stuck. Remember to check all the hinges and locks on your fifth wheel’s doors and windows and lubricate them, too.
We hope you find this guide handy when maintaining your fifth wheel. If you need more maintenance advice or want to upgrade your vehicle to the latest model, visit Long View RV Superstores. You will find us in Windsor Locks, CT.

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