RV Tips: 6 Must-Have RV Accessories

It’s no secret that RVing is one of the best ways to enjoy your time off with your family. But many new RVers don’t know all the necessary accessories you need to safely set up your rig and make the most of your time away. I’ll show you my top RV tips for RV accessories after living five months in an RV full-time.

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Learn more about this Crossroads Sunset Trail travel trailer for sale at Longview RV Superstores.

1. Surge Protector

One of the best ways to protect your RV in case of bad weather or a power surge is by investing in an RV surge protector. These connect directly to your RV electric cable and the campground’s hookup station to protect your RV’s electrical system. Prices range from under $100 to $200 depending on brand and quality of construction.

2. Slide Supports

If your RV has slides, you’ll want to find some slide supports to help reduce the strain on the mechanics while at the campground. Prolonged slide extension can lead to warping, but setting up the slide jacks under the I-beams of your slides will help reduce the pressure on the system.

3. Water Pressure Regulator

Your RV’s water system is designed for a specific level of water pressure, around 40 PSI. Unfortunately, most city water hookups are much more powerful than that, which can damage your plumbing and lead to leaks. To avoid potential damage, get a water pressure regulator to attach to the freshwater hookup at your campsite. Then, connect your hose to the other end and run it to your RV.

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4. Tire Chocks

Do not leave home for your camping trip without tire chocks for your RV. Some RVers will use rocks or blocks of wood, but you can also find plastic chocks built to keep your RV from rolling.

5. RV Jack Pads

Ensuring your jacks are set on level ground is vital to keeping your RV level and protecting the framing of your RV. Jacks are not intended to be weight-bearing, but they help stabilize the RV, so having a level surface is critical. RV Jack Pads can also protect your jacks from getting stuck in the ground, chipping, or warping over time.

6. Bug Guards

Lastly, you’ll want to find some bug guard for your vents to help prevent unwanted visitors during your camping trip. There are many brands on the market, so measure your vents and find a set to fit your needs.

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Contact us or shop online today for all the parts and accessories you need to complete your camping adventure.

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